I realize this submission was made a couple years ago, but I'm still going to judge it in every aspect as I would if this made now. Granted, it holds some level of quality considering the programs you made it with, but I personally don't find it "Newgrounds-worthy."
Though, I must compliment you on your title screen; it looks decent, and to a viewer who doesn't feel like reading your long description, misleading.
The guy looks quite awkward; most notably, his arm, head shape and the curve of his body. Of course, having been forced to do it with MS Paint by your unqualified technology teacher, may have impacted the brush smoothness inconsistencies. Though one thing that I'm still wondering about is his lack of an eye. That was probably the most awkward part.
The squirrel was somewhat passable in terms of art, though. He still has some flaws, but it's still fairly decent for what it is and what it was done in.
I realize this is a class project, but I'm still going to say this: for a cartoon as short as this, there has to be a decent punchline. Your typical "abrupt ending" or "stupid joke" probably would've worked better than a generic "King rules, guy disobeys and gets shot" sort of thing.
The type of humor present in most of your submissions is the kind of humor that only works well in a situation, but when tried to be molded into a short, to-the-point punchline, would fail, so a really good joke would be needed for something as short as this.
Those last paragraphs were not so much a complaint of this project rather than a suggestion for future videos you intend to be shorts.