"ur the john Coltrane of newsground animation" - SpiffyFlinger

Age 24



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Hey, nice to see ya!
Yeah, we need to take care for our eyes, coz visual is our main sence. I hope you will solve this problem.

Thank you! I hope so too.

Damn man, two years ago yet I still have that prior post bookmarked for somewhat halted conversation continuation. XD Time flies...

blepharitis though. :/ At least... nothing that seems to impact sight in the long run? Hopefully? How do you best rest your eyes when you have to? Seems to be one serious thing after the next with you man! Hope it's not as incurable as they say. Some things do go away even if they're deemed permanent. Allergies, diabetes, maybe possible with this too...

You know you're totally pointing at the wrong spot on that giant earth globe right? :P

Also curious about the shirt: was it a requirement for getting the trip that you wear it the whole time? Or totally voluntary? Just curious. So awesome either way.

You do remember right regarding the new audio portal permissions. Lots of new options there, but unfortunately also way more complicated for creators looking for music indeed. AP's no longer really what it was intended to be initially, more its own thing than simply a resource. Awesome initiative with the playlist, and sorting options would be even better for sure. Been hoping for that for some time. Was wondering why it was so hard to find old submissions that were free to use though, didn't realize the permissions on old stuff had all been changed like that.

I should probably have some audio recommendations within reach for that hmm, will check back on that...

Outsourcing all this stuff though, how do the finances of it all work out? Are you managing to make a living entirely off of the YT stuff these days?

Ah man Audioslave was amazing... RIP Chris Cornell. Can recommend his Billy Jean cover too if you haven't heard that: https://youtu.be/R0uWF-37DAM

Haven't listened to much of his unplugged stuff otherwise but there's probably some real gems there. Such a great singer.

Maybe not your genre of choice but this really resonated with me recently too: https://youtu.be/26E-RfBfUc4

Good to hear you're still going strong otherwise; fighting the good fight even in the face of all this adversity! Congrats on the virality!

Time flies indeed, even when it doesn't, it does. Yeah, blepharitis doesn't typically affect eyesight. Thankfully, it's been better now ever since I've been doing the daily baby shampooing of my eyelids. So the shirt was actually something they wanted me to wear, because what happened is that somebody met me at the airport in Japan, and she had a sign waiting for me, so she needed to recognize me.

That Chris Cornell cover of Billie Jean is interesting... the dude had a great voice. It must feel surreal to be Eddie Vedder knowing that he's the only major grunge vocalist who is still alive. Also, I haven't heard of the game Sea of Solitude but it looks pretty cool from the video you linked.

Regarding the finances, I'll keep it real as I always do - I live with my parents. I don't think I'm well enough to go to college and I'm probably not well enough to get a "real job" either. I don't know what the coming years have in store for me, and I don't think that far ahead. I've been trying to live 2020 as if it was my last year with the caution of someone whose last year is 2024. It's less bombastic than I would've thought, because I mainly spend it grinding on videos. Because quite a bit of my income would have to be invested into my videos now, I'm going to try to put out some more 'big hitter' "mainstream" stuff to get the eyeballs.

It's been rough lately for me. My dog recently had to be put down, she was 12 years old and she lived a nice life at least, but I know I should've spent more time with her. I had fair warning too. I knew about the possibility of regret but didn't know just how much it would sting. I lost one of my close friendships, but that was for the best because we just ended up making each other miserable. Around this general timeframe, I've had an uptick in anxiety and OCD compulsions. I can only imagine how bad things would be if I had the pressures of everyone else, so I am grateful for my blessings still.

And the Tokyo trip! Well-timed. Still have to check that off my bucket list some day when this pandemonium all clears.

Especially when it doesn't, it seems like. :) Ah that's good to hear at least. Maybe diet could have a positive impact too. Gluten for example seems to affect allergies/rashes/skin conditions in a lot people, if you might've missed out on that one potential cure... regarding the short it must've been partial promo purpose too. But good cause; good reason to wear it regardless!

Man had no idea who Eddie Vedder was before this! Surprised. Should be one of those names I recognize instantly, same vein as Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Steve Taylor, Freddie Mercury and all those greats. Seems he's involved with a bunch of soundtracks too, like the one for Into The Wild. Remember that movie pretty vividly. Cool to know.

A lot of great musicians are still alive though, grunge or no, went to a Robert Plant And The Sensational Space Shifters concert before everything closed down and he's still got it too. :) Age don't mean a thing. Maybe not in the Chris Cornell range but still...

Just wonder if the mood in Sea of Solitude can match without the music. :)

Ah you're still young though. I'm getting a bit embarrassed to say that, I too, still live with my parents. Regular job and all though. It's come to a point where I take care of them rather than the other way around though, they're both closing in on 80 y/o, and suddenly I'm feeling more responsible for their well-being than I feel like I should... should've moved out quick when I had the chance! If you have a good relation it seems it's easy to get into a symbiosis where it gets hard to leave. Hard a phase of really wanting to move out some ten years back, but lately...

Hmm, reminds me of one of my mottos: live every day as if the next day is the last. :) Meaning don't party so hard you can't appreciate tomorrow too. Planning ahead but hopefully appreciating the day by day at the same time. Seems like a good mindset to have.

I'm still impressed with how thorough your video work is too. If you enjoy doing them it's bound to be bombastic enough!

But man! Was hoping this'd end on a positive note... I've never had a pet I was that close to (only turtles that ran away), so I can't relate entirely, but do hear they're almost like family members sometimes. Just unfortunately without as lengthy a life span... sorry to hear you're going through that too. Anxiety seems to be on a rise overall in these crazy times too. Gotta just keep on fighting; doing what you love to do! Either it'll get better or, worst case, it'll have been as good as it possibly could. If you can still appreciate there's hope yet! ;)

Maybe I should link to some more uplifting music instead: https://youtu.be/DkIl24t3cbE

Ah I didn't realize it's already been this long since this comment was posted! Time flies. Yeah, Make-A-Wish is a really wonderful organization, and it's sad that COVID had to interfere with people's wishes. I was never really a big Pearl Jam guy, I'll be basic and say that I'm much more of a Nirvana guy, even with how overplayed they are. But Jeremy, Even Flows, Do the Evolution, and Sirens are all great songs.

I don't usually love hard rock though Audioslave is the exception there with their self-titled debut. Show Me How to Live was a song I associate with the early days of heavy chemo for me, and yet I don't feel that it "taints" it at all.

For what it's worth, I do think there is too much stigma to living with parents. Like you brought up, it could also benefit their wellbeing - and otherwise, it's still good financially, provided that the person isn't doing it as a crutch. I am concerned about how well I would be able to adjust though, since I have health issues that impede my life.

Thank you! I try to be thorough and cover all bases. Since I'm Christian, something that helps me out is looking forward to being able to see my dog again in Heaven. Even if I am not 100% sure it will happen, it's still a nice thought, that someday she will be chasing lizards again and having fun but in a revived, rejuvenated state.

Ahh I remember Pogo. He has a cool way of making music. It's pretty impressive honestly.

Agreed on the vibing aspect. Sometimes the novelty just makes you overlook any of the flaws present in something. I certainly remember that when I first returned to anime in 2014 I thought filler arcs in Bleach was great, but that's only because I was never exposed to the tropes that they tended to use - so when I encountered them again and again in Naruto and other shows with filler, it just seemed overplayed.

Much as I turn off my brain during shows - and I'm all the happier for it as I enjoy a lot of things that critics won't - I can't seem to turn it off completely.

Yeah! Like I've read about how My Hero Academia is supposedly basic/standard or normie or whatever, but I haven't seen enough anime to know the ins and outs of what makes a great anime great. I remember reading the reviews of ERASED after I watched it and I was like, wow, they made a good point - and so it's hard to see something the same way when its flaws are so accurately laid out in front of you. It's an interesting conundrum: I'd like to be able to have the knowledge and understanding to provide meaningful media criticism, but at the same time, I like having fun.

@Gimmick @MistyEntertainment One way that I've found is to start with no expectations going in. Like, I'll look at a series with a rating of 7-8.5 and just watch it without looking at the finer points of the reviews (just their scores)

That way, if I like it I like it, and it's not for me if I don't. I only look at reviews or even comments only after I've finished the series, so that what they say doesn't necessarily conflict with my views.

For what it's worth, a show is not just standalone - it also requires a person to watch it, and their experience might be drastically different than yours. Like in Ratatouille, it's not that Remy made a top-notch ratatouille - it just happened to strike all the right chords for Anton Ego. For all we know the ratatouille could have been about the same as it was for every other dish Anton would've had at the restaurant, it just so happened that he experienced that better because of his experience of having ratatouille in his childhood (conversely, Ego could've got the restaurant shut down if he had a trash ratatouille in the past and came to hate it lol)

That's why reading the flaws aren't means to convince you that the show is bad - it's just to point out the things that you might have missed which is fine, because they may not matter to you that much (I don't expect to see Oscar winning performance in Transformers, for example, and I certainly don't even expect a coherent plot in Shoot 'Em Up) and it shouldn't make the show any less enjoyable in retrospect. It's easier said than done, of course, but it's key to remember that your experiences are not nullified by someone else's.

And that's a good thing. Reviews are inherently subjective. Otherwise shonens would all be rated horribly by jaded older people who're not part of the target audience - because kids don't tend to notice all the plot holes and nonsensical twists and turns the way others do.

That's a great point, a show isn't necessarily objectively great, because at the end of the day, our individual experiences and whatnot will influence what we think of stuff. That's a good comparison, re: Anton Ego in Ratatouille. Almost certainly a top 3 Pixar movie.

Me neither. XD Time does fly; such is life...

Hmm you know more Deep Purple than I do. I've probably heard some songs but not to the point I really recognize the names - heard pre-Internet I guess. I think I've been confusing them with Deep Purple for the longest time too, another iconic one I've barely scratched the surface of the discography of, but I listened to one of their newer albums some year back and it was amazing. Some of the best rock organ solos I've ever heard. caught me off guard a bit, as one of the founding bands of their genre I didn't expect them to still have it this much further down the road. You hear of how incredibly long lived bands like The Rolling Stones are, but there are probably way more fortuitous ones out there going under the radar a bit; somehow they just took the spotlight... big Nirvana fan too. :) Did you by any chance see Post Malone's Nirvana home quarantine tribute concert thing recently...? Surprisingly good.

Show Me How to Live is so powerful... maybe helped you get through it? :)

Indeed, wouldn't want to be a crutch to them nor do I expect they'd want to be one to me, but the stigma complicates, feels like people often feel like you're living 'off of' your parents if you haven't moved out. In certain cultures though. Italy for example, I believe the normal age to move out is around 40. Some live together their entire lives. Build a new house on the same land, get their own family; take over with the parents go. In a way I feel like we should appreciate family and tradition more, not try to just escape and build something new entirely. It's not like you don't have your individuality either way. But then again, part of me feels like I would've wanted to explore the world way more some ten years back, so maybe the ideal would be to embark off on your own for a while, experience life for yourself, and then get back as both you have settled down a bit and your parents are at an age where it'd help to have someone around again... as long living conditions permit it. Of course not as fun if you're all stuffed in a small apartment, with at that point very conflicting interests and routines, but as long as you both have room to grow and time to spare on nourishing what relations you have already... seems ideal. Long as you really do get along. Yeaah I guess it's hard to know until you really do try living on your own too. Suppose there's all the more fear of moving with that uncertainty too, but maybe it'd work out great; hopefully you'll get better. :) No shame in the home life though! Least not until you're ~30!

Mmm, that is a nice sentiment; comfort to have. I hope there's an afterlife but try to live like there might not be. :) Though wait, maybe that be read different ways, I mean: make the most of this life when you're here, cause whatever might come after isn't guaranteed, but strive to be a good person regardless in case judgement does come. Doesn't feel good to live only for yourself either way! Win/win, hopefully.

Agree. :) I stumbled upon him via melodysheep I think... maybe haven't linked you to him/her/whichever pronoun it is they prefer to go by? If not you might enjoy his work too: https://youtu.be/CxQKltWI0NA

Ahh I've never really dived into Deep Purple! I've heard several albums by The Rolling Stones however, and I always felt that they were overrated. I can't deny they've got some stuff that slaps, like Rocks Off and Gimme Shelter, but most of the stuff jut doesn't really resonate with me. I didn't know about Post Malone's Nirvana tribute concert! But I know he can play guitar.

The dream for me would be able to live with other content creators where we all contribute to the rent, and we can work on each other's stuff and experience things together. But for now, I'd be glad just doing that remotely.

That Melodysheep song - that's cool. It's like Pogo but it also reminds me of Schmoyoho if you remember them, they were pretty big "back in the day" on YouTube with Auto-Tune the News, like with the Bed Intruder song.

Wait wait, I meant: you seem to know more Pearl Jam/think I may be confusing THEM with Deep Purple. Perfect example... XD

Also regarding the afterlife thing, that bit came across sounding a bit more egotistical than I intended. I don't want to make it seem like I'm living according to a set tactic as to cheat my way through the gates of the overworld, might it be there, just that to me the prospect is just... not easy to believe in. I'm leaning more towards the idea that maybe we live life to learn something, and if we don't learn it we live again, and again, and again, until we do. Whatever hardship we have to face is there so that we may overcome in; learn something from it. And if we do live multiple lives then each one has something new in store, until eventually the collective wisdom and humility lets us traverse to another plane of existence.

I realize that's not really in tune with the essentials of Christianity, but feel like the fundamental teachings carry across. That you're here to be tested in some way, and to be a good person, essentially; to find something meaningful outside of yourself. Though incentives or reasons may be different it seems that all of us who search for something and strive to be good might really be looking for the same thing after all; hopefully we all end up in the same place because of it, wherever that is; if it is.

No worries! I didn't take anything that you said as being egotistical. I have a friend who has similar beliefs, and is into kind of New Agey stuff. He's mentioned Robert Monroe's accounts of astral projection and seeing other dimensions, and has claimed to see where people go in the afterlife. I'm personally very wary when it comes to that stuff (esp. astral projection), or even just the idea of reincarnation. But regarding the afterlife, I do think the concept of a bunch of people spending time in some sort of weird alternate-dimension space limbo after they die is an interesting image. Though the thought of someone reincarnating as an ant or mosquito is both funny and scary.

Wisdom essentially = understanding.

@Gimmick Interesting you mention Bleach below in regard to overused tropes, I felt the same way about the fillers there, though I HAD watched a fair share already, and was following Naruto too at that point. At the time I felt like maybe it was just so good quality filler that it didn't seem that way as much as with other series - everything about that series was always so good quality - even those individual splash logos for each episode number.

Nothing ever felt drawn out or out of place there was far as I remember, and the reoccurring thing about losing and gaining power didn't get as dated as it does with other shows, like say DBZ, where suddenly they're so strong they can easily blow up the planet, yet when it comes to a showdown on Earth they've suddenly lost it again, inconsistencies in continuity like that bother me the most. But maybe I didn't have the same sense of perception when I watched Bleach, who knows... I felt like they ended it at just the right time too. When the manga went into hiatus mode the anime stopped, even though they weren't all caught up. They could've kept going and drawn things out even more, but they took a sensible middle route; maybe there's still hope it might pick up again in the future...

TLDR I feel like Bleach might be an exception in regard to overused tropes and other aggravations that take away from the experience, but maybe I'm just not remembering the details.

Agree it's great to get into things without prior knowledge of them too, when the result doesn't need to match your expectation of it. Shoot 'Em Up really was one of those movies I knew nothing about before I saw it but it delivered beyond expectation. Solid on all areas. Still don't feel like it got enough spotlight. If you enjoyed that you might like Banlieue 13 too. With subtitles. Another movie I have fond memories of getting into without any expectations what-so-ever...

@Cyberdevil Probably. I can't say whether bleach had good filler arcs or what because it was the first time I saw them. Filler arcs should be good enough that you don't notice they're filler - for example, Noragami and Kekkai Sensen had good filler arcs - I didn't even know which arc was filler until after reading about it! But they definitely had the same tropes ("no, _you_ must be the one to kill me" for example)

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look at Banlieue 13!

@Gimmick Hmm, might've had that one yes... some day I shall revisit it and see if it really holds up to memory...

Btw with your French maybe you don't need subtitles either. :) Wonder how much the experience differs when you know the language... gotta speak about French action movies in some other thread, they're so good at 'em..

@Cyberdevil Haha, I appreciate your confidence in me but I don't think I'm at that level yet ;) French people speak very fast and sometimes I can only even make out what they're saying if there are (french) subtitles accompanying it. At least it doesn't need to be in english :p

I've been slacking off on my french lately. I should get to it.

@Gimmick French subs it is then. :) Don't remember them speaking that fast in this one but maybe my memory's not all that reliable with these things...

No better way to get back to it than with a dose of natively narrated movies. :P Anything Luc Besson's worked with is great for one, if you haven't gotten into his older stuff. The original Taxi franchise is a bit like a predecessor of the Transporter movies. Leon The Professional's a legendary one, of course. And it's not Besson caliber but Lost Bullet recently was pretty good too. Also some mentionable older ones: Yamakasi, Total Action, Public Enemy No. 1... hmm that's all I got.

@Cyberdevil Yeah. I really should try watching them, but I still haven't gotten around to watching the _other_ French movies I had on my list... :P

@Gimmick Maybe more incentive with these? :P I'd like to get into more of the artsy stuff too but... action's so satisfying. So easy to consume.

Though assume problem might be: time. In which case: yeah....

Post Malone's a legit rockstar yo. :) If you're interested: https://youtu.be/f7eaGcIyhPU

As for Deep Purple, I haven't heard much of them really, practiced Smoke On The Water in school, but that's maybe it as far as the classics go for me. Here's the album I stumbled upon a while back though (Doing It Tonight's a favorite if you don't have time for the full thing, so catchy, somewhat NSFW I suppose but it is Rock after all!): https://youtu.be/3NHTnYS8mMU

Heard AC/DC just started up again too! Legends coming back to life! And yes, agree the Stones do feel a bit overrated. :) Maybe seeing them live would change my impression though, some have such a contagious kind of energy then.

And the collabing/co-living kind of idea sounds pretty awesome. :) Like the essence of NG but in real life, in a way... think I've missed out on Schmoyoho though! Bout to catch up...

Regarding the 'New Agey' stuff that's not really something I hope to be associated with though. XD I guess I have stereotypes. Surely there are some very peaceful/kind/spiritual people involved with that kind of stuff, and distance healing and similar's fascinating - you could argue such abilities have a more divine source if you believe in one, but I'm not all that spiritual per se. Feels like 'New Age' inherently links you more to spirit than logic; I hope to find peace with both.

Have you heard of Deism? If I'd have to categorize myself I'd say my beliefs lean towards Deism and Buddhism, though I'm more so Agnostic (maybe that does class as New Age though...? Not sure what that implies really).

Anyway I'm open to the possibility there is a creator, but find it hard to believe he'd really be actively engaged with us if he exists. I also find it hard to believe life could be a live-once-and-that's-it kind of journey, where either you fail (and go hell) or succeed (and go to heaven), thus my leaning more towards the idea of reincarnation and karma. Do good and become a better person. Live again to learn new lessons, if you haven't already come to peace with the ways of the world and yourself; maybe learned true empathy towards all walks of life. It doesn't seem impossible the monotheistic principles are all bridged in that regard; the idea that you just live once is a simplification of what's otherwise a complex concept of learning and improving... and maybe more so incentive to improve, too. If you know you might live over and over maybe you'll waste your life and not learn those valuable lessons after all.

Not sure I believe that you'd come back as an ant though if you do reincarnate. :) It's an interesting thought, but though I do love animals I don't think I really see them as part of the same cycle; as on par with our consciousness. Would we learn the same lessons as another species? It feels like our trials are too complex for that; there are layers to our compassion. It's not so much instinct/genes. Then again I don't want to downplay the experiences other species go through either. Maybe we just don't understand each other well enough to see our individual complexities. So I won't poke a snake with a stick regardless. Respect to each and every living organism out there, plants too, won't tear a leaf off unless I actually plan to eat it. I don't think stepping on an ant's inherently bad karma but: intentionally stepping on, yes. That'd be abusing the power we're given. And nor appreciating the marvels of nature would be like... hmm, well I can't find a good parallel but: best appreciate everything. Respect everything. Contemplate the consequences of all actions in regard to what impact they have on the world around you.

Anyway who knows, maybe we do reincarnate as mosquitos after all; only truly learn the futility of life when we do. XD I suppose... I lean more towards philosophy than religion, when it comes across like this. I think more than I feel. I think about my feelings, maybe... hope you don't mind the rant again! XD Felt like I had to clarify where I stand a bit, currently, on this very easily shifting of grounds...

Hi! I am really really sorry about the late reply. I promise I'm getting my shit together! And thank you so much for the NG supporter upgrade - I hope to make more time for NG this year than I did in 2020. This is the site that really kickstarted my creative ambitions.

I had no idea Post Malone did a whole Nirvana tribute set. It's a real testament to the quality of Nirvana's music, even 3 decades after it was the cultural zeitgeist. And good Deep Purple song! I've never listened to a full album by them but I know they're classic.

And yeah, I can certainly understand not wanting to be associated with New Age lol. A more Newgrounds-centric example of it would be Spirit Science, which has definitely gotten its fair share of criticism for its unscientific claims.

I did not know what Deism entails until I looked it up just now - interesting... I don't think I know anyone else whose beliefs align with that. People tend to be more all-or-nothing when it comes to those types of things.

I think the idea of getting more chances at living and learning is an appealing one, though I don't personally believe it to be true. In a way, I think the "live-once-and-die" framework of looking at life is motivating - kind of like a more sophisticated YOLO, y'know?

This be the year we hopefully all cumulatively get our shit together! :D No worries on the lateness though! I'm frequenting more comment sections than I can manage lately... it's easier to keep up with ones who can't keep up with me. ;) And you're very welcome. Hope it brightened up your day a little. Felt like a good time to give. And if you do get back here more: awesome too. :P

Glad to enlighten a little at least on that musical level. :D Too true about Nirvana too. Been unintentionally stumbling upon bits and pieces of Kurt Cobain videos a lot lately, really seemed like a fascinating persona. True artist. Such a shame he didn't live a full life.

Mmm I've tuned into a couple Spirit Science episodes , don't recall if I agreed or not but remember they were pretty interesting. :) So ambitious too. Crazy long. Is that a kind of content you like to watch btw? Get annoyed with or more so intrigued by differing opinion?

Hmm, I don't know if people really are that all or nothing though, I wonder if it's maybe more so that people try to avoid the doubt, and stick to the path they've chosen. What a waste if would be to have walked all that way if you chose wrong right? I've spoken to a bundle of people say they're atheist but then when you really start talking it turns out they just aren't certain, whereas with more religious people I find it's often the other way around: they're either very committed already or would rather not entertain the idea of any other kind of commitment. Which probably means: committed, yeah. :) Posing questions that may lead them to question their faith seems like a big no no, though I really feel like conversation is the basis for understanding... was speaking to an American Mormon transfer student on the train back before this corona thing started a bit. Fascinating conversations. He spoke to people on every trip he took, and used that time to practice his Swedish at the same time. Gotta respect that level of commitment. Didn't realize they'd made their way here either - translated Book of Mormon and everything.

But anyway, for sure, I understand the significance of believing. I don't want to derail anyone who's on the right path. To me it just feels like questioning everything is the only way really learn the truth. To come to your own conclusions; shape your own worldview based on all you've experienced and taken in. A few decades down the line it'd be intriguing to come back to this and see if anything's changed. :) Maybe we're both of the same mind them.

Ah yeah I can definitely see that too! The prospect of a single life feels both motivating and discouraging to me though. Motivating if you're able to get things done; discouraging if you aren't. Time's finite and yet it runs away. But if you (you as in me - like me) go about pondering existence so much then I guess it's motivating to feel like maybe all those ponderings will actually yield some results in a potential next life even if they don't in this one. Say in this one maybe I learn futility, something I wouldn't be able to learn if I did have the answers, and in the next one where I really do I can find peace.

In a way, leading a life feeling there are more lives ahead of you might make you waste your time all the more, but on the other hand if you lead your life feeling like an alternative/better existence waits on you after this life, then ditto, right? You might not care as much about what you do in this world if this is just a testing ground, and paradise awaits after it. But, if you really do have faith, then I assume you believe that there is a meaning behind the trials you go through here too; that you'd better really make the most you can of your situation to deserve what comes after...

I guess basically... whatever you believe, it all comes down to what kind of mindset you lead your life with. If you want your time on Earth to be fruitful or no. If you see each obstacle as something you can learn from or grow strong from, or something it's best to avoid.

Hmm where to go with this; how to conclude, don't mean to keep building up these comments all the time! XD May the New Year be amazing though and faith keep us pacing fro! Maybe not your style here but slightly relevant, if you didn't already catch this back in the day: https://youtu.be/z5Otla5157c

I certainly appreciate it! It'll be cool getting to see the exclusive Supporter forum again lol. Yeah, Kurt Cobain was an insanely talented guy and I appreciate Nirvana for both having pop appeal but still having an authentic grit to them. Interestingly enough, I feel like Nirvana did inspire a lot of crappy post-grunge bands, though obviously I can't fault that on Nirvana - it's just natural that bad knockoffs will arise whenever something becomes the cultural zeitgeist. I really want to know what Nirvana would've done after In Utero while Kurt was still alive.

I wouldn't say I like Spirit Science - I disagree with a lot of the claims and I think a lot of it has no real basis in anything. With that being said though, it is at least interesting. I know it's definitely got its fair share of criticism. Fun fact, the guy has actually reviewed one of my old flashes back in the day when I was 10. Don't know much about him, but seems like a nice enough guy, just says some strange things in my opinion.

Religion, theology - real tricky subject. These days I'm confused. After all there are at least 30,000+ global denominations of Christianity. And when it comes to certain things, I can understand both sides of the argument. They both sound persuasive to me. Thankfully it's not too much of a point of contention, but the vast majority of my family is Catholic and I am not. Religion is kinda like politics for me in the sense that there's some stuff that I just don't know because they're far too nuanced than I have the energy to look into. It's overwhelming and for those contentious issues, there just seems to be no real answer.

I remember that Lonely Island song when it came out! Interesting that they got Kendirkc on there before he got really big.

Yeaaah you've been missing out a couple years now. :D Was a bit surprised to see you got the 2020 badge though, thought it always counted 12 months onward.

Probably yeah. :) Haven't heard much Grunge I don't like though, not much grunge at all actually, Alice in Chains in the only one that comes to mind when I'm trying to think of any (saw them live a few years back - way better than expected)... also a band with somewhat tragedy-riddled past, seems like a lot of bands within the genre have that in common, wonder if it's the music style that fuels angst or vice versa. That artists who opt for it are ones who need it. But maybe more so just a drug-fueled party kind of culture for a lot of them... anyway, it seems Linkin Park were a bit Nirvana-inspired too when they started out, before they had Chester Bennington. Was listening to some Foo Fighter song that really seemed like a homage too, though can't recall which it was now. If you haven't seen the music video for this one though: https://youtu.be/eBG7P-K-r1Y

Yeah... those things we'll never know.

Mmm, I don't recall enough about his work to have any valid opinion but he definitely seems like a good dude. :) Need to watch some more sometime; maybe get into a deep philosophical discussion as to the potential truths or falsities or just good and bad thereof then. ;)

Woah that many! :O Crazy. I'd have thought a few hundred at most. Mmm, ain't that true, a lot of falsities circulating with sects and what-not too, just like politics, it doesn't all feel as honorable as it maybe once was. When times were harder I feel like faith was all the more respected too; was really a glue that held things together for people, even if overly strong convictions have of course been the basis for so much unnecessary violence back in the day too. Things haven't changed all that much really, less direct violence maybe but all the more conflict... ah you didn't have the same belief entirely! You are Christian though right? Indeed, overwhelming indeed, the more you know the less you know you know and all. Feels like either you settle for something and understand that there's just no way to find the answer for all, or: it really does feel kinda futile and meaningless sometimes. :)

Yeaah just as he was gaining momentum too! They really had an impressive amount of big features too. Trying to think of other good ones to link to but maybe YOLO was really their only at least somewhat SFW one...

That is interesting, I never would think that Linkin Park's music ever had any Nirvana influence but it would make sense, since Nirvana had such a massive, ubiquitous reach and influence over so many people. And yeah, Everlong is an amazing song. I think it's absolutely a contender for the best rock song of the past 25 years and I find it interesting you saw it as an homage since I distinctly remember somebody describing the lyrics as being Cobain-like.

I am Christian, yeah - and I intend to learn more about the faith and the Bible and whatnot. It can get discouraging knowing that there is so much disagreement surrounding certain ideas and beliefs though, especially when the consequences of 'getting it wrong' would be eternal. All I can do is try my best.

I've been in a bit of an interesting position lately. Because of how disabled I am, it's really punctured my ability to earn a steady income or get a job or go to school. The plan was originally for me to apply for SSI, though I got denied and so I was originally supposed to appeal it (which can take around a year). The prospect really got me down though - as a result of my failed health, I find myself having to outsource more and more, and so resigning to a fixed income would theoretically puncture my ability to get lots of things done creatively, since they'd rely on outsourcing. But I think what mainly got me down was that it was symbolic of the death of a dream, of sorts. While I could always get off of it if I knew I could do without it, it'd be hard to gauge that in the first place since all my ways of earning income would be inherently unstable (ad revenue, sales, etc.) So I have 2021 to try to prove myself and show that I can make it. Though more and more, I start to ponder the decision. I don't like feeling that there is a ceiling to what I can make and by extension, what I can do, but I also wonder if I'm just too ideally capitalistic in my mindset.

What have you been doing lately to keep morale high?

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