I'm not sure I knew before they posted this latest dose of demos either. :) At least not by name/that he was actually in any recordings. It does huh... and I do think so too. They've done enough that it seems they'd be remembered even if they'd just fizzled out of fame in time; not gone through a tragedy like this one, but it's definitely true, nothing like a loss to really enforce their stature. :/ Though I believe they were already both in the Rock and Roll hall of fame and all. Already legendary.
I guess you know all about David Grohl's transition from Nirvana to the Foo Fighters too btw? A bit more positive a story there. Overcoming the demise thereof and really starting anew.
Ah KJV... learning new things here. Pretty sure I haven't read anything of that one yet... do you have any personal preference? Have you tried different ones; seen the differences in translation first-hand? That's true. Even when the scriptures first were written people supposedly doubted the accuracy of these inscriptions. And Since then. Man. Must've gone though a ton of both intentional and unintentional changes.
Ah good to know. And i feel the same way too. Every movie I watch is one I review after I've watched it these days. Everything has to serve some purpose. Not sure it's a capitalistic kind of indoctrination since making all hobbies as productive as possible is a non-profit thing but... there's definitely some kind of conditioning going on there. A sense that you have to do as much as possible with your time or you're wasting it. when really maybe taking your time is the best way to use it. To slow down and focus; gain some clarity; relax a bit. We have a little mantra on our wall here that basically translates to: As long as you take your time your time will never run out.
Bad translation though. XD Can't really translate the context as it should be but... hopefully you get the gist of it.
Mmm, suppose that's always the battle/balance when you turn hobby into work. Tough to keep it both fun and for profit, at least maybe unless/until you reach a level where the monetary aspect manages itself, and you really focus fully on the creative one.
Things got worse for a while but better now I think yeah. :) Thank you. But I know I still have a lot of figuring things out to do in life overall, common hurdle I suppose, just gotta not lose willpower and not give in until you are where you want to be. I do feel like eventually everything falls into place if you just keep fighting for it. The age of ambitions - before you've built a family, before you have a legacy, before you have anything to truly call your own; a place and purpose and all - is the most conflicting time. With age maybe you come to a state of acceptance, but if you really have the balls to try to accomplish the things you know deep down you really want to hopefully you won't just come to a stage of acceptance but also of satisfaction... feels like a stage of peace without a sense of accomplishment would just be for naught. Maybe that's the conditioning speaking; maybe it's more so our genes telling us to procreate, in one way or another, and give birth to something lasting, be it life or some other form of creative or material legacy... or maybe that's the truth. The way to live. And so either you get through the phase of uncertainty knowing that you either made it or that you failed... guess time will tell huh. :)
Hope DakhaBrakha give you a boost. :) I don't understand the language either there but feels like the type of music that transcend such batteries. Stay strong man! Hopefully this phase shall pass; we'll find ways to free ourselves. Or just peace. Whatever balance you might need to really feel at ease and keep on going with confidence there's a good place within reach.
Hmm had to go digging a bit and see if I could find the track I was thinking of, not sure now but it might've been one of these, hopefully you can hear the same influences I'm hearing. :)
Oh, interesting. I actually just discovered that Grohl was Nirvana's drummer too! :O It all falls into place! Though indeed, even if there wasn't an actual link between them their influence has been surrael. All the more because of Kurt's suicide I suppose. At the pinnacle of their popularity. Of course I'd rather he'd lived on but I feel like that's what really cemented their place as one of the icons. No bad songs. No going downhill or fading into obscurity before it all ended, like you might say was the case a bit more with say Linkin Park or Audioslave. I do feel they'd qualify for a similar level of acclaim. Hope some day they do.
Mmm, in the end I guess it all goes back to the essentials, that how you handle life is what matters. I mean, if everyone was in agreement, and it was entirely clear what was right and wrong or true and false, it doesn't feel like there'd be as much meaning to it all. But to really have faith, be the best you can be and live the right way as best you can: that's the hard route. That's what merits reward.
Anyway hope you find enlightenment. :) Would be curious to hear what scriptures you might be delving into on that search. It's fascinating how just The Bible (is there one 'official' one btw? Maybe there's really just one 'most common' one that I know as the 'one one', with old/new testament) has gone through so many revisions over time; with each translation certain connotations most certainly change. There's only so much you can convey with words too. And you can probably only learn so much via word too. Ganbatte!
Ah damn. :/ And outsourcing can't be free either... how much can you get via SSI over there if you're granted it? Is there a default for all/depends on circumstance? When you say you're 'ideally capitalistic in my mindset', do you mean you feel like you may be focusing too much of the monetary aspect of it all? That there are other benefits to staying creative/putting in work? Or more so that there'd be other ways to sustain yourself? Or that if the reward of putting out stuff feels like the monetary type then maybe it's the wrong focus in life, overall...? Would SSI be a limitation though, not more so a boost, with the possibility to get a little extra via ads and such? There doesn't seem like there ever is a ceiling, even if it's hard to reach a level you might reward as one.
I wish my morale was high. XD I get waves of unreasonable/sometimes inexplicable depression/sadness lately, I suppose mainly due to working a job I don't see much purpose with, being in a place I'd like to get out of but having nowhere I'd rather go; of overall being in a stagnant place in life - that I notice all the more with this limiting life-style lately. Maybe also in not being around enough stimulating people IRL, and seemingly losing a bit the curiosity and fascination I have with life. It all starts feeling monotone. I've been upping vitamin intakes, trying deep-breathing exercises, standing in front of the mirror and telling myself that 'I can do this' repeatedly, meditating for a moment each morning in an attempt to let go of all expectations of the day and tell myself it'll be a good one, stuff like that. Long-term I feel like more exercise might really make a different, haven't been doing enough of that, just moving seamlessly between work and hobby without really taking the breaks I should be. A couple walks each day with weigh vests though, but that doesn't seem enough.
Hmm, I don't know what good advice to give here, can't recommend exercise I suppose, but I feel like the one thing that brings me personally down the most is one you might not: not doing anything that feel is worthwhile. Hopefully? If you really do like what you do I feel that can be a powerful fuel. To focus on your passion. And of course to appreciate what you have.
I really need to get a grip on things myself though; both change my circumstances and my mindset a bit. It's so unnecessary. I can't complain. I'm in a good place compared to a lot of people. When I feel down: just look at someone like MistyEntertainment and the iron will they have to move onward no matter the hurdles, and maybe I'll manage to muster up a little more morale myself. ;)
Ah maybe this could lift your spirits a bit too: https://youtu.be/Hxg1dL_x0gw
Though binge-watching potentially empowering or inspiring or just feelgood YT material is of course a conflict in itself. XD Just a little and it feels motivating. A little more and suddenly you've just been wasting your time...
I didn't even know Linkin Park had another vocalist before Chester - he definitely sounds like he's trying to channel Kurt Cobain in that one. I think Audioslave and Linkin Park will still be looked upon fondly for years to come, though musicians whose lives end really young or abruptly do tend to be sort of "canonized" by pop culture.
Yeah, it's mainly just the Bible. There's a faction of people who would insist that the KJV Bible is the only valid translation, though that's just a faction. There's a lot of different translations, and differences in what books are even chosen to be part of it, like the Catholic Bible apparently has more to it than what Protestants choose to include. And some people just chuck out the Old Testament, which I really disagree with. It's tricky but even in the early early days there was lots of disagreement.
I'd say SSI is kind of a 'default for all' type of thing. And by ideally capitalistic in mindset, I would say that part of it is that I have been conditioned, like many others, to start seeing everything as a means of 'productivity.' Even leisurely activities by consuming media is seen as something to track, something to put towards my self-improvement. And another part is, in fact, that I have to think about the money, so it's kinda put me into a position in which I'm making things for the algorithm and audience, as opposed to a more 'noble' artistic exploration that aims to make something truly artistic and beautiful. Not complaining though - that's just the game, and I opted to play it.
Ahh, I'm sorry to hear that, regarding the waves of sadness and depression you've been experiencing. Hopefully things have improved for you since you posted that - and not being around enough stimulating people in real life is definitely a contributor. I relate hard to being stagnant in life because that's how I've been feeling lately.
I'll check that performance out!