
375 Movie Reviews

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I realize this submission was made a couple years ago, but I'm still going to judge it in every aspect as I would if this made now. Granted, it holds some level of quality considering the programs you made it with, but I personally don't find it "Newgrounds-worthy."

Though, I must compliment you on your title screen; it looks decent, and to a viewer who doesn't feel like reading your long description, misleading.

The guy looks quite awkward; most notably, his arm, head shape and the curve of his body. Of course, having been forced to do it with MS Paint by your unqualified technology teacher, may have impacted the brush smoothness inconsistencies. Though one thing that I'm still wondering about is his lack of an eye. That was probably the most awkward part.

The squirrel was somewhat passable in terms of art, though. He still has some flaws, but it's still fairly decent for what it is and what it was done in.

I realize this is a class project, but I'm still going to say this: for a cartoon as short as this, there has to be a decent punchline. Your typical "abrupt ending" or "stupid joke" probably would've worked better than a generic "King rules, guy disobeys and gets shot" sort of thing.

The type of humor present in most of your submissions is the kind of humor that only works well in a situation, but when tried to be molded into a short, to-the-point punchline, would fail, so a really good joke would be needed for something as short as this.

Those last paragraphs were not so much a complaint of this project rather than a suggestion for future videos you intend to be shorts.


artistunknown responds:

Well, I'm glad you recognised that a lot of it had to be limited. I'll admit, it could have been better looking, I'm guessing the whole "no eye" thing is in the beginning. Is a lot of the stuff going through the portal newgrounds worthy? Most of it yeah, but this is still better than a lot of the things that aren't...
I might have been better on the art, maybe making the image size bigger, but at the time, I hadn't payed attention to what size the image was, and it was to late to turn back. Some of the art could have been improved, but thanks for the compliment on the squirrel anyways.
Yeah, the lack of humor in this is probably what's going to kill it. A lot of other shorts I've written have better jokes (or just have jokes for that matter) of course those shorts only exist as scripts and have never been animated.
Anyways, thanks for the review, and thanks for the suggestions, not sure how I can put them into use, maybe when deciding on the punch line for a short, haven't made to many shorts though... It will come eventually though.
Again, thanks for the review.

I see an improvement in the animation, most notably the use of shading and shadowing. Or maybe that was always there, I just didn't pay attention. I see the characters are more mobile, as well.

I also enjoyed the humor in here, I already enjoyed it much more in the first two minutes than i enjoy lots of flashes.

The racecar exploding in the beginning kinda reminds me of that one Simpsons episode. :) Also, I'd suggest more background noises during the race, with no background noises, the race track feels practically empty.

Also, in Flash, you may already know this, but I suggest motion tweening for the race cars.

A minor problem I had with this is that I felt more time needed to be devoted to setting up the plot - it all happened kinda fast.

I actually kinda enjoyed this one. 4/5

artistunknown responds:

Yeah, the animation and art quality did improve a lot. Shading was not present in previous episodes, this episode was the first one professionally done (using my sound studio and pro mics for recording, plus it was entirely made in flash, and in HD too) so I decided to go a little special on the art, but some things still look a little bad, cause I'm still trying to define my style. A lot of the scenery in ep five is better (plus I actually start using filters, so there's some visual effects). Yeah, mobile characters was always a problem, not sure how well I've improved since then... probably not by much.
I enjoy my humor too, heh. Not sure how much time went into writing this one, but since it only has one plot, yeah... But the jokes were worth it.
Hmm, which episode is that? I haven't seen a lot of them, so I wouldn't know, but yeah, I thought it would be funny to have a car explode, and since that character isn't important, yeah.
Yeah, background noise would be nice, can't remember if I have that much more in ep five, but there's definitely a lot more stuff happening in the background, I'll make note of it when my editor is handling sound fx.
Yeah, I don't use tweens to often, I like doing everything myself, heh. Plus, since these also go on youtube, I can't really have movie clips, and tweens, I've tried it before, and from what I've seen, it doesn't work in video format.
Well, this was building up for a while, but yeah, it did kinda happen fast, plus there wasn't really a subplot, I think that that would have helped this episode a lot, but yeah, couldn't think of one at the time.
Well, I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Hopefully episode five will be up within the week, that one will be better.
Thanks for the review.

This is review is kinda long, you don't need to read all of it. at the very least, PLEASE read the last part/last paragraph.

As somebody who has been animating for three years now and has a lot of experience, I feel that I need to say something. I realize that you are probably 12, hence the "2000" in your username and that you went from Scratch to Flash.

first off, congratulations on converting. Scratch is an awful program, and Flash doesn't have the technical limitations or crappy community of Scratch.

Let's start then. The humor was bad. In fact, the humor of almost every Mario movie out there is bad. Okay, i see Mario does not even walk properly. It's not hard to make him walk properly. Google Mario sprites and just copy and paste sprites, that would look better.

back to the humor. okay so i THINK mario gets his head stuck in the logo? i might be wrong but you animated it so poorly, i can't tell at all. if that was the intention, slapstick humor is awful. really, it is. an over 9000 joke would've been better, tbh.

he goes back to where he used to be randomly... and then gets his head stuck, i think, again. yeah you don't to write "what!?" on the screen, i am sure the audience probably had that reaction by watching this poorly-done animation.

YOU PROBABLY DID NOT READ ALL OF THAT, AND THAT IS OKAY. What I am about to say is more important than anything I wrote there: I have seen SO MANY people who are about your age try to say how old they are to get higher scores. Don't do this. Either two things are going to happen: a bunch of people will give you high ratings and go "OMG YOU ARE SO GOOD FOR YOUR AGE!!!!" the other option is somebody would think you're arrogant. even if they DO shower you in praises, criticisms are always better because they help you IMPROVE.

I hope this helped and i am not trying to be mean, but only to help.

I would consider revising this. As a school project, this doesn't even have any functionality. Whenever I click on something, nothing happens. I can see where you used the "Over state" and "Stop at frame" but where is the "Go to"?

If you ever decide to fix this, I suggest to put up a working version on Newgrounds, where you might get higher scores.

For a project that was aiming for a music video that was supposed to made in 1-2 hours and crappy, I must say that it was pretty well done.

The cutouts of images put onto the backgrounds suited the style, as well

Psi43 responds:

Haha, yeah I always seem to be good at animating something alright quickly, I was just never good at taking a long time to make something amazing. Perhaps that means I can't do amazing animations.

Either way, thanks a lot. Also, at first I was aiming for a completely different style (I will send you a PM with the first animation draft I was going for), where I was drawing the animals instead of having them cut out, but DJ BJ told me to do it differently ;).

Not as bad as I thought it would be.

There were some minor flaws, such as how everything was drawn with the line tool, and how choppy the frame-by-frame animation was, but other than that, it was very well done.

The partial black-and-white animation style you chose for this movie is very fitting, and the actual art is pretty cute. The actual animation, disregarding how choppy it was, could use some better easing and whatnot, but everything else was great.

The music fit the mood very well.

A bit lacking in terms of story, and a bit abrupt for the ending, so only 3.5/5. Good luck on any future endeavors!

The animation and overall visual presentation of this movie could use some work. A problem I had here was that the background was blurred the entire time. Usually backgrounds are only blurred when you are supposed to focus on the characters.

While the focus was on the characters, it wasn't used accordingly considering how short it was, and the background could have very well played a very crucial part in the visual presentation of something as short as this.

I am not fond of the humor. The humor is like something that a little child will find funny. Bird goes after Worm. Worm shouts random cuss words. Bird eats Worm. Of course, I guess this will appeal to some people, but I personally think it's childish.

The animation was somewhat simple, but I guess it's a style so


I'll be honest here.

This part was created for the Creative Idea Collab, right? The whole point of the collab is to be creative. This was not creative. Aside from the awful idea of using a random word generator to supposedly suggest a theme for the animation your collab members are supposed to make, this was bad.

Let me guess. You got whistle, walking and man as your words? Or something close to that? I could've probably come up with a way better animation than that. If you tell me the words you got, I'll probably give it a shot.

That humor... God. None of your videos are funny. They are poor attempts at trying to be funny. So a whistle is walking for a long time? Oh yeah, a man questions him. And the whistle says... hey HEY get this... the whistle says... "I just like walking for a long time. I'm used to it."

That was not funny. the people who found this funny obviously don't have any idea what they are laughing at.

Next time you laugh at something...
think about why it is funny

yeah that's it.

I kind of agree with SoapyCola.

I understand this is supposed to serve as a satire of voice actors with over-inflated egos and/or a public service announcement to not do this as a voice actor, but it was overall poorly done. I read your tl;dr author's comments in hopes of understanding this piece better, so here is my review.

While the animation was good except for what I think was an intentional anime-like mouth loop, it did not compensate for the poor satire. This could've been waaay shorter and funnier, and still get to the point.

The character that is supposed to represent what you're satirizing is too exaggerated. This feels like a rant on something that has happened to you, disguised as a poorly-written critique. The pacing felt fairly dragged out, too.

The animation was pretty good, so 2/5

Wow. Just wow.

I love the style here. The backgrounds, the rhythm, everything. Just masterfully done, especially the animation. You just gained a new fan.

SwedishPlumTrees responds:

Sir, I'm flattered. haha. Thank you very much for the kind words :D

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