I really like the cinematic feel this has. The whole song seems to have a colossal vibe to it, and I think the unconventional long-form song structure contributes to the cinematic feel. The structure really works in the song's favor, and I like how the song progresses. Atmosphere-wise, I'm getting boss battle vibes from this one. The track has the intensity to be able to soundtrack a boss battle, as well as melancholic undertones.
The piano additions at around 2:00 are pretty nice, well done. Moreover, the key change near the end at around 5:50 was well executed. If I have any criticism, it might be related to the snare sound. Personally, I feel it sounds a bit crude or crash at times and conflicts with the other aspects of the song, mostly during the fills, like at around 3:28. Overall, this is a well-constructed track. Keep up the good work and good luck on your future endeavors!