Nice and stylized, this would make a great Christmas card actually :)
Nice and stylized, this would make a great Christmas card actually :)
That's what it is, a digital Christmas Card. :) Thanks for the review!
This is a really good use of the spray paint tool.
Believe it or not, it was all done with the pencil tool. The airbrush covered things too quickly and screwed things up. The circles and rings were made with the circle tool. Everything else was made with the pencil tool. And a lot of time. And a few bad words.
I really like this.
I must say, this is one of the best things that were made in MS Paint that I've seen. First of all, I love the coloring in this. The shading was impressive considering it was done in MS Paint. The coloring of the moon is very good and very impressive. That beats any moon that can be made with Flash filters, by far.
Some of the coloring on the trees look a little bit weird, but the smaller version (which is the unzoomed one on the Art Portal) makes the tree coloring look a lot better. It looks like what happens when you try to save something as a .gif in MS Paint and it makes the coloring all wonky.
However, what makes this one really good are the subtle details. I like how you included the boat and the dock but most importantly, I love the house. That's my favorite part of the picture. The coloring is very nice on that and I like how you colored in the lighting of the windows.
the shading is very nice
very nice!
wow it's so beautiful 5/5
Very nice.
"ur the john Coltrane of newsground animation" - SpiffyFlinger
Age 24
Joined on 3/16/10