Hey everyone! How's it going? I'll update anyone who cares on what I've been up to lately. I released two videos this month. I'm actually planning on changing the style of my content and shaing things up a bit in December, though I still welcome any and all criticism on these videos, so be as brutal as you want.
Here's a video where I talk about the "genre" that is Nightcore, as well as the legendary band Three Beat Slide.
In this video, I talk about a YouTuber more popular than me for views.
Some shameless self-plugs, if you liked what you saw, please subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxKNA9INAKkF5u-vPS7d4wA
And if melodic pop rock tunes sound like your type of thing, please be sure to check out my Bandcamp! You might find something you like. https://christophertom.bandcamp.com/
christopher tom more like christopher GAY
chris? more like piss