Hey guys,
I've been mainly focusing on my music for a while now and I have my self-titled debut album "Christopher Tom" written. I'm more than halfway done recording and mixing it and it should be out within a little bit, I don't have any estimates though.
I have about 5 full-band demos done, though I'll just link to this demo of track 2 "Turkish Chinchilla" here:
Any and all feedback is appreciated! Thanks.
I don't listen to radio anymore, but would a song with lyrics like that make it onto the Billboard Top #? Lyrics like that seemed to be highly sought after, unfortunately the authors/musicians were hooked on smack or other drugs that ultimately killed them.... you watch that purple drank now, ya hear?
As for the vocals, try an actual tin can next time, I heard it works. Never tried it myself, plenty of other tactics, but mostly compensating for shit equipment and locations
Haha, I actually might try that. Those are some of my quirkiest lyrics to date... the idea was for it to be a throwaway track, like a quick comic relief song, if you know what I mean, though now that I have a full one-man-band demo of it, it's sort of turned into its own thing. I find that my best lyrics tend to be written in 10 minutes...