"ur the john Coltrane of newsground animation" - SpiffyFlinger

Age 24



Joined on 3/16/10

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Posted by MistyE - July 2nd, 2018

I recently had my final round of heavy chemotherapy, hopefully ever! It was rough but I'm looking forward to things getting better now that it's July. My final round of "normal" chemotherapy (where I don't have to get admitted to the hospital) is tomorrow. Then I can say I'm done with all this. There will be scans every few months to make sure the tumor doesn't grow back, but otherwise I'm just relieved I don't have to go back to the hospital.

Subscriptions: @ADR3-N, @BlueAlpha14, @Zornuzkull, @JK-FlipFlop, @TheNGVirus, @manthebren, @VicariousE, @Cyberdevil, @Pecheneg

If you want me to add you to the Subscriptions tagline to be notified of my next news post, please let me know.



I glad to see that you are in positive mood! I hope this his disease is defeated.

me too, it's been brutal, hopefully this doesn't come back

That's great! I hope it all works out well for you!

thank you!

Spotting some nature at the end there. And a real supportive group. Also hey your hair's still there? :D So great this thing's finally (hopefully) over. Good video.

thanks man! I remember showing this to my parents and they laughed at the nature footage at the end since it's so far from what we're used to here in Arizona. I figured a little slick stock footage always work well for voiceover segments, you feel me?

and in response to your other comment, yeah I do appreciate some of the finer things in life. what happened is pretty awful but at least I get some newfound appreciation for things like animals, nature, etc. these were all things I never really took much notice of before, was always just cooped up in my room, being productive yeah, but there was no moderation

my only real social interactions are occasional visits from friends and the hospital staff, otherwise i've spent about 14-15 months in isolation indoors. i wanna say it kind of does crazy things but when i really think it through, it's not that drastic, but let's just say it teaches you who your real friends are.

Aah that's not local footage! Thought it might've been on the ride home, though come to think of it you probably have a car and that looks like a train hmm... I feel ya though. Works well.

That's good to hear. :) I take a yearly pilgrimage up North myself, every summer, away from computers and all this shizzle (leaving tomorrow actually). Really helps you get perspective on life and be productive in other ways. Appreciate the world more. Appreciate the Internet and all this amazing technology we have at our hands when you get back, too. XD 1-2 weeks in the withdrawal symptoms kick in pretty hard... but when they let go... so free. All the superfluous routines fall away. Get back and you can build them up as you want to.

Oh holy shit. :| Yeah... maybe you need no pilgrimages after all, though sounds pretty depressing not getting any outdoors at all. Sunlight. Fresh air. Can't be too healthy that long either.

that sounds like a good time! everyone's gotta get away sometimes. sometimes you just need a refresher, something to rejuvenate yourself you feel me? i'm excited to start travelling too, so i'm glad you brought that up!

Oh good! I've been thinking of you! You can add me to the subscriptions tagline as well. When do we get to say you are officially in remission/cured? I kinda wanna bake you a cake!

aw thank you!!! I think I can officially say I'm in remission once my next scan results come out, which should be sometime soon.

This is great, I hope it's gone for good!
Also you can add me to the subscriptions.

thank you!

I love you, man. Hoping it's smooth sailing from here!

Love you too - and I hope so!

@MistyEntertainment Have you got any projects you think I'd dig? I've been judging different competitions lately and admit it's kept me busy enough that I stopped keeping up with people at one point. Thanks to your mention I actually was able to find this post after the fact. :)

Thank you! As for projects - musical or otherwise? I'm making a new post about the stuff I've been working on in the past two weeks, I think I've got some good content cooked up.

@MistyEntertainment Right now, probably music. I've got about 50 more submissions to judge for NGUAC, but squeezing some more songs in before Sunday won't kill me. :)

After NGUAC tryouts are over I should have time to look at more videos, etc. I'm just terrible at time management and know if I let myself, I'll watch videos all day LOL

I actually just released my first song since my computer crash some months ago, and my first decently mastered one. Looking at busting my butt for a new computer so I can actually render things again. What sort of stuff are you thinking of doing, more comedy/commentary? Screenplay?

Ah, I see! I remember getting the PM from TaintedLogic and thinking about doing it. I forgot to enter something in but ah well, always next year, always more opportunities.

Definitely thinking of doing more comedy/commentary stuff, but I'd also wanna get back into music. It's been months since my last song. I just haven't felt it lately, you feel me?

@MistyEntertainment Yeah, you mentioned a while back. To be honest I totally lost my mojo for a minute there when my computer just started dying rendering tracks. I didn't take my fiancee seriously when she said she'd let me borrow hers to render stuff until recently. Started actually writing things on paper. One thing that got me back into it was Ben Levin's indian rhythm solfege video. Have you seen it?

Also, do keep me posted on that. Some of your videos have me busting out laughing at 3 in the morning when I know I really shouldn't haha

I feel ya! Hope you're getting some sunshine now too. And I'm 'bout to catch up on all posts I might've missed soon...