Hey everyone! This will be my first post since the New Year, so I'll fill you in on what's happened.
Since January 1st, I've had 2 more rounds of "heavy" chemotherapy. It's been rough.
Being away from everything for a long time has made me feel pretty disconnected from everything. It feels crazy, man. Weight is around the same as it was last post, and it's been my biggest struggle to maintain. Each month I'm worried about where I'll be next month. I think day to day, though I still can't seem to help thinking about the future in a negative way. As bad as things are, I'm really grateful that they aren't worse. But they have to get better, and it feels like it's only getting harder.
Though I also wanna go over some of the creative projects I've been working on in the past 2 months.
I participated in February Album Writing Month this year, where the goal is to write 14 songs in February. I was able to meet the count, and 3 of them were collaborations with @artistunknown. If you're interested in hearing any of it, here's the link: http://fawm.org/fawmers/stickyfingers/ Just don't expect too much out of what are essentially song sketches.
I've been meaning to make another video discussing the struggles of chemo and all but at this point, it's exhausting to talk about and way more exhausting to experience.
I've been sort of disillusioned with my music, in the sense that I don't like how it's mixed and mastered and I honestly don't know what to do to fix it, since I'm on a tight budget. It's really difficult gaining any sort of traction with my music and it's a bit discouraging.
To end on a positive note, at least my treatment will end in July. Until then, it's a struggle.
Gonna be better at replying to comments this time.
Subscriptions: @ADR3-N, @BlueAlpha14, @Zornuzkull, @JK-FlipFlop, @TheNGVirus, @BraydogNG, @VicariousE, @Cyberdevil
If you want me to add you to the Subscriptions tagline to be notified of my next news post, please let me know.
go use the cancer drill